Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SQL Transaction Log Viewer - Poor Man's Version

I came up with a way to somewhat see what is in the SQL Transaction Log in conjunction with the SQL Profiler. So, in addition to seeing the actual SQL statements in the SQL Profiler, you also get an idea, cryptic as it may be, of what those statements are doing to the database. You will need to stop the transaction log backups while you are using this since the transactions, once backed up, will not be returned in our select statement. Note that the Transaction Log only keeps track of changes to the database, which is why we have to run a SQL Profiler trace as well.

The Content0 column is the main payload. There are a couple WHERE statements there to help filter out some of the noise and to look at a particular SQL session (a user's connection) and/or timeframe.

The first script is the my_HexToChar function which translates some of the transaction log information to near-plain-english. You will need to run this script in each database for which you want to look at the transaction log information.

The second and third scripts are for looking at the transaction log information. The first script looks only at the transaction log. The second looks at both the transaction log and the SQL Profiler trace output.

In order to use the third script, you will need to start and run a SQL Profiler trace. Open SQL Profiler, create a new Trace, choose the TSQL_Replay template, check the box for Save to table, select a database other than the one for which you are tracing (I might suggest creating a new DB called ProfilerDB for this purpose), and specify table myReplay. Run the trace and leave it running while you run your queries or programs.

To filter the date range of the returned records, use the commented-out WHERE statement filter for the [Begin Time] column in script 2 or 3.

You can use the fourth script to clear out the trace log and reset the starting point of the transaction log query. If you are wondering what CHECKPOINT is doing to your log/data (it's not clearing out your transaction log), here is a great article from Paul Randal.

SQL Profiler Settings
Script 1: my_HexToChar function
RETURNS varchar(4000)
      DECLARE @result varchar(4000)
      DECLARE @i int
      SET @result = ''
      SET @i = 1
      WHILE @i < Len(@in)
            IF Substring(@in, @i, 1) BETWEEN 0x20 and 0x7A
              -- limiting it to certain visible characters 
              SET @result = @result + cast(Substring(@in, @i, 1) as char(1))
            SET @i = @i + 1
      RETURN @result

Script 2: view Transaction Log only
    [Begin Time],
    [Transaction Name],
    [Transaction ID],
    dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 0]) Contents0, -- gives an idea of what was changed
    dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 1]) Contents1,
    dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 2]) Contents2,
    dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 3]) Contents3,
    dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 4]) Contents4,
    dbo.my_HexToChar([Log Record]) AllContents,
    fn_dblog(null, null) a
    [Transaction ID] in (
        SELECT [Transaction ID]
        FROM fn_dblog(null,null)
        where Operation = 'LOP_BEGIN_XACT'
        and [Transaction Name] not IN ('AutoCreateQPStats','SplitPage','SpaceAlloc','UpdateQPStats')

--        and SPID = 51    -- uncomment this line to limit it to a particular SQL session - look in Activity Monitor for SPIDS

--        and cast([Begin Time] as DATETIME) BETWEEN '07/30/2010 11:30' and '07/30/2010 2:50pm'   -- uncomment this line to limit by date/time
order by a.[Transaction ID],a.[Current LSN]

Script 3: view Transaction Log and SQL Profiler info
        b.[Begin Time],
        [Transaction Name],
        a.[Transaction ID],
        dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 0]) Contents0, -- gives an idea of what was changed
        dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 1]) Contents1,
        dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 2]) Contents2,
        dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 3]) Contents3,
        dbo.my_HexToChar([RowLog Contents 4]) Contents4,
        dbo.my_HexToChar([Log Record]) AllContents,
        2 EventType,
        [Current LSN] SortOrder
        fn_dblog(null, null) a
        (SELECT max([Begin Time]) [Begin Time],[Transaction ID],max(SPID) SPID FROM fn_dblog(null, null) GROUP BY [Transaction ID] ) b
    ON a.[Transaction ID] = b.[Transaction ID]
        a.[Transaction ID] in (
            SELECT [Transaction ID]
            FROM fn_dblog(null,null)
            where Operation = 'LOP_BEGIN_XACT'
            and [Transaction Name] not IN ('AutoCreateQPStats','SplitPage','SpaceAlloc','UpdateQPStats')
        1 EventType,
        convert(varchar(20),EventSequence) SortOrder
        DatabaseName = DB_NAME()
) Logs
    -- and SPID = 60    -- uncomment this line to limit it to a particular SQL session - look in Activity Monitor for it
    -- and cast([Begin Time] as DATETIME) BETWEEN '03/13/2011 18:24:05' and '03/13/2011 18:26:39'   -- uncomment this line to limit by date/time
order by [Begin Time],[Transaction ID],SortOrder

Script 4: clear the Profiler Log and reset the Transaction Log query start point
DELETE FROM ProfilerDB..myReplay

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dynamics GP Security Reports for SQL Reporting Services

User Roles

User Tasks

User Operations
It is not very easy to find out the current status of everyone’s security in GP. Sure, there are a some standard reports inside GP, but they are not the most user-friendly way to quickly track down who has what permissions to GP’s windows and reports.
That is exactly why we created GP Security Reports for SQL Reporting Services.
There are currently 9 reports in this package to give you at-a-glance, drill-down views of your Dynamics GP security:
  1. Role Tasks
  2. Task Operations
  3. Company Roles – Per User
  4. Company Roles – All Users
  5. User Roles – Per Company
  6. User Roles – All Companies
  7. User Tasks – Per Company
  8. User Tasks – All Companies
  9. User Operations – Per Company
If you would like to find how to purchase these security reports, e-mail info@combussol.com or call 561-392-8135.