Two things you have to do yourself: set up companies in GP Utilities on the new server for each company in your installation, and set up SQL logins and give them access to each database in SQL. I used the KB878449_Capture_Logins.sql script and reset the user passwords, but I still had to manually add them to the same SQL databases they had on the existing server. Imagine doing that for 10 users times 80 companies!
Well, that's why I created the script below, but it has other applications as well. Have you ever created a test company, copied the live data over, went into GP's User Access window, and checked the Access box for that new company only to get "The user could not be added to one or more databases"? This script is for you. It will also remove users from databases to which they should not have access.
Other errors this script may fix (depending on the root cause) include "A get/change operation on table 'syUserDefaults' failed accessing SQL data.", "The server principal (login) is not able to access the database (database) under the current security context.", and "A get/change first operation on table 'coProcess' failed accessing SQL data."
/* This script will set access to SQL databases where each GP user has access within the User Access window inside GP. You can run this after setting up a test company, or any time you get the error: The user could not be added to one or more databases. */ declare @DatabaseId varchar(5), @UserId varchar(30), @NotFound tinyint, @SQL varchar(max) set @SQL = '' declare UserLoop cursor for select USERID from DYNAMICS..SY01400 where USERID NOT IN ('sa','DYNSA') open UserLoop fetch next from UserLoop into @UserId while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin SET @SQL = @SQL + 'USE [DYNAMICS] IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N''' + @UserId + ''') BEGIN CREATE USER [' + @UserId + '] FOR LOGIN [' + @UserId + '] EXEC sp_addrolemember N''DYNGRP'', N''' + @UserId + ''' END ' fetch next from UserLoop into @UserId end close UserLoop deallocate UserLoop declare DatabaseLoop cursor for select RTRIM(c.INTERID),RTRIM(u.USERID),(CASE WHEN a.USERID IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) NotFound from DYNAMICS..SY01500 c cross join DYNAMICS..SY01400 u left join DYNAMICS..SY60100 a ON c.CMPANYID = a.CMPANYID AND u.USERID = a.USERID WHERE INTERID IN (select name from master..sysdatabases) AND u.USERID NOT IN ('sa','DYNSA') open DatabaseLoop fetch next from DatabaseLoop into @DatabaseId,@UserId,@NotFound while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin /*Inner Loop for each Database*/ IF @NotFound = 0 -- it is found; add it if it does not exist SET @SQL = @SQL + 'USE [' + @DatabaseId + '] IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N''' + @UserId + ''') BEGIN CREATE USER [' + @UserId + '] FOR LOGIN [' + @UserId + '] EXEC sp_addrolemember N''DYNGRP'', N''' + @UserId + ''' END ' ELSE SET @SQL = @SQL + 'USE [' + @DatabaseId + '] IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N''' + @UserId + ''') DROP USER [' + @UserId + '] ' fetch next from DatabaseLoop into @DatabaseId, @UserId, @NotFound end close DatabaseLoop deallocate DatabaseLoop exec (@SQL)
I ran your script "A get/change operation on table 'syUserDefaults' failed accessing SQL data.", " but I still the issue
ReplyDeleteEdited to say it "may" fix those errors. There are several reasons you may be getting that type of error - user access to the DYNAMICS or company databases in SQL is the main one but not the only one. You may need to check to see whether the DYNGRP database role has access to that table in SSMS. While you're there, check to see if that user in fact does have access to the DYNAMICS database and has the DYNGRP database role.