Part of normal maintenance of a Dynamics GP SQL server is to make sure there is enough disk space for your data as it grows. Similarly, you need to make sure your data files aren't growing more than they should.
This script draws from several system tables to show the recovery model, the last backup of the data or log file, the size of the file, the growth of the file the next time it runs out of room, the drive on which the file is stored, and the free space of the drive.
I included the Recovery Model and LastSQLBackup columns to show the situation where FULL recovery is used, but no Transaction Log backups are taking place. This situation causes the Transaction Log to grow unnecessarily until it fills the hard drive. If you do not back up the Transaction Log, having FULL recovery is both useless and dangerous to your data at the same time; dangerous because it can bottom out your hard drive while transactions are being posted, and useless because the log file hasn't been backed up to be able to use in a restore which is the whole point of having it in the first place.
-- Shows database file space usage and free disk space USE [master] IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name='#cbs_drivespace') DROP TABLE #cbs_drivespace IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name='##cbs_db_sizes') DROP TABLE ##cbs_db_sizes CREATE TABLE #cbs_drivespace ( Drive varchar(10), MB_Free numeric(19,2) ) CREATE TABLE ##cbs_db_sizes ( dbname varchar(100), filetype varchar(4), size_in_gb numeric(19,2), growth_in_percent numeric(19,2), growth_in_gb numeric(19,2) ) DECLARE @SQL varchar(4000) declare @DatabaseId varchar(255) INSERT INTO #cbs_drivespace(Drive, MB_Free) EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives declare DatabaseLoop cursor for select name from master..sysdatabases where name in (select INTERID from DYNAMICS..SY01500 union select 'DYNAMICS') or name in ('master','msdb','tempdb') open DatabaseLoop fetch next from DatabaseLoop into @DatabaseId while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin /*Inner Loop for each Database*/ SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO ##cbs_db_sizes ' + 'SELECT ''' + @DatabaseId + ''' AS dbname, ' + 'CASE WHEN RIGHT(RTRIM(filename),3) = ''mdf'' THEN ''Data'' ELSE ''Log'' END AS filetype, ' + 'CONVERT(numeric(19,2),size * 8 / 1024. / 1024) AS size_in_gb, ' + 'CONVERT(numeric(19,2),CASE WHEN status & 0x100000 > 0 THEN growth ELSE (growth * 100.) / (size * 1.) END) AS growth_in_percent, ' + 'CONVERT(numeric(19,2),CASE WHEN status & 0x100000 = 0 THEN growth * 8 / 1024. / 1024 ELSE size * (growth / 100.) * 8 / 1024 / 1024 END) AS growth_in_gb ' + 'FROM ' + @DatabaseId + '..sysfiles' EXEC (@SQL) fetch next from DatabaseLoop into @DatabaseId end close DatabaseLoop deallocate DatabaseLoop SELECT as DBName, db.dbid as DBID, DatabasePropertyEX(, 'Recovery') as RecoveryModel, s.filetype as FileType, CASE WHEN s.filetype = 'Data' THEN ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(15),bu.LastBU,101),'Never') WHEN s.filetype = 'Log' AND DatabasePropertyEX(, 'Recovery') = 'SIMPLE' THEN 'N/A' ELSE ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(15),bu.LastBU,101),'Never') END LastSQLBackup, s.size_in_gb as SizeInGB, s.growth_in_gb as GrowthInGB, s.growth_in_percent as GrowthInPercent, ds.Drive as DriveLetter, CONVERT(numeric(19,2),ds.MB_Free / 1024) DriveGBFree FROM sysdatabases db INNER JOIN ##cbs_db_sizes s ON = s.dbname INNER JOIN #cbs_drivespace ds ON LEFT(db.filename,1) = ds.Drive LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.Name as dbname, COALESCE(Convert(varchar(100), MAX(b.backup_finish_date), 101),'Backup Not Taken') as LastBU, b.type as BUType, CASE WHEN b.type = 'D' THEN 'Data' WHEN b.type = 'L' THEN 'Log' END as BUFileMatch FROM sysdatabases a LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset b ON b.database_name = WHERE b.type IN ('D','L') GROUP BY a.Name, b.type ) bu ON s.dbname = bu.dbname AND s.filetype = bu.BUFileMatch ORDER BY DBName,FileType DROP TABLE #cbs_drivespace DROP TABLE ##cbs_db_sizes
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