This tried and tested script will perform the following:
- Back up the current test database (optional; on by default)
- Back up the live database (optional; on by default)
- Restore the live backup (or, optionally, any other SQL backup)
- Run the CreateTestCompany (Microsoft) script
- Set the output settings to print to screen instead of a printer (optional; on by default)
- Change the Recovery Mode to Simple, and shrink the log file
DECLARE @SourceDatabase varchar(10), @TESTDatabase varchar(10), @DatabaseFolder varchar(1000), @LogFolder varchar(1000), @BackupFolder varchar(1000), @BackupFilename varchar(100), @TESTBackupFilename varchar(100), @RestoreFile varchar(100), @RestoreToDataFolder varchar(100), @RestoreToLogFolder varchar(100), @UseRestoreFile smallint, @UseRestoreToFolders smallint, @CompressionAllowed smallint, @Compress smallint, @BackupTESTFirst smallint, @LogicalFilenameDB varchar(100), @LogicalFilenameLog varchar(100), @SetPrintToScreen smallint, @SQL varchar(max) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set up all the information here for the live and test database names ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @SourceDatabase = 'TWO' USE [TWO] -- enter the Source Database between the braces SET @TESTDatabase = 'TEST' SET @BackupFolder = 'F:\DB Backups\' --end with a backslash (\) -- Folder where you want to save the backup file SET @Compress = 1 -- 0 = Do not compress backups; 1 = Compress backups -- 2008 and forward; SQL Express and some Standard editions do not allow compression SET @BackupTESTFirst = 1 -- 0 = No; 1 = Yes -- Backup the TEST database before restoring -- You should do this the first time you restore per day SET @UseRestoreFile = 0 -- 0 = Create a backup and restore it -- 1 = Use the below filename to restore from instead of creating new backup -- Use this when you just want to reload a backup you already created SET @RestoreFile = 'TWO_20130403.bak' -- File to restore if you have already created a backup of the live company SET @UseRestoreToFolders = 1 -- 0 = Restore to the same folder as the live database; -- 1 = Restore to the folders specified below SET @RestoreToDataFolder = 'G:\SQL Data TEST\' --end with a backslash (\) -- Folder where you want to restore the .mdf (Data) file TO SET @RestoreToLogFolder = 'H:\SQL Log TEST\' --end with a backslash (\) -- Folder where you want to restore the .ldf (Log) file TO SET @SetPrintToScreen = 1 -- 0 = No; 1 = Yes -- Change the posting output to the screen instead of the printer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT @CompressionAllowed = CONVERT(smallint,ISNULL((SELECT value FROM sys.configurations WHERE name = 'backup compression default'),-1)) SELECT @LogicalFilenameDB = (rtrim(name)) FROM dbo.sysfiles WHERE groupid = 1 SELECT @LogicalFilenameLog = (rtrim(name)) FROM dbo.sysfiles WHERE groupid = 0 IF @UseRestoreToFolders = 1 BEGIN SET @DatabaseFolder = @RestoreToDataFolder SET @LogFolder = @RestoreToLogFolder print 'Using specified data folder ' + @DatabaseFolder + ' and log folder ' + @LogFolder END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @DatabaseFolder = left(filename,len(filename)-charindex('\',reverse(filename))+1) FROM dbo.sysfiles WHERE groupid = 1 SELECT TOP 1 @LogFolder = left(filename,len(filename)-charindex('\',reverse(filename))+1) FROM dbo.sysfiles WHERE groupid = 0 print 'Using live database''s data folder ' + @DatabaseFolder + ' and log folder ' + @LogFolder END print 'Compression: ' + CASE WHEN @Compress = 1 AND @CompressionAllowed = -1 THEN 'NOT ALLOWED' WHEN @Compress = 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END print @LogicalFilenameDB print @LogicalFilenameLog print @DatabaseFolder SET @SQL = '' IF @UseRestoreFile = 0 BEGIN SET @BackupFilename = @BackupFolder + @SourceDatabase + '_' + convert(varchar(4),year(GETDATE())) + right('00' + convert(varchar(2),month(GETDATE())),2) + right('00' + convert(varchar(2),day(GETDATE())),2) + '_' + replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),GETDATE(),108),':','') + '_for_' + @TESTDatabase + '.bak' END ELSE BEGIN SET @BackupFilename = @BackupFolder + @RestoreFile END print '.' print 'Backup Filename: ' + @BackupFilename print '.' SET @TESTBackupFilename = @BackupFolder + @TESTDatabase + '_' + convert(varchar(4),year(GETDATE())) + right('00' + convert(varchar(2),month(GETDATE())),2) + right('00' + convert(varchar(2),day(GETDATE())),2) + '_' + replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),GETDATE(),108),':','') + '_pre_LIVE_restore.bak' -- check to see if the TEST database is in use first IF EXISTS(SELECT spid,loginame=rtrim(loginame),hostname,program_name,login_time,dbname = (CASE WHEN dbid = 0 THEN NULL WHEN dbid <> 0 THEN db_name(dbid) END) FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE CASE WHEN dbid = 0 THEN NULL WHEN dbid <> 0 THEN db_name(dbid) END = @TESTDatabase) BEGIN PRINT 'The database is in use' SELECT spid,loginame=rtrim(loginame),hostname,program_name,login_time,dbname = (CASE WHEN dbid = 0 THEN NULL WHEN dbid <> 0 THEN db_name(dbid) END) FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE CASE WHEN dbid = 0 THEN NULL WHEN dbid <> 0 THEN db_name(dbid) END = @TESTDatabase END ELSE BEGIN IF @UseRestoreFile = 0 BEGIN -- Back up the LIVE database SET @SQL = '' + 'PRINT ''Backing up Source database (' + @SourceDatabase + ')''; ' + 'BACKUP DATABASE [' + @SourceDatabase + '] TO DISK ' + '= N''' + @BackupFilename + ''' ' + 'WITH COPY_ONLY, NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME ' + '= N''' + @SourceDatabase + '-Full Database Backup'', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10' IF @Compress = 1 AND @CompressionAllowed > -1 SET @SQL = @SQL + ', COMPRESSION' EXEC (@SQL) END -- Back up the TEST database IF @BackupTESTFirst = 1 BEGIN SET @SQL = '' + 'PRINT ''Backing up Destination database (' + @TESTDatabase + ')''; ' + 'BACKUP DATABASE [' + @TESTDatabase + '] TO DISK ' + '= N''' + @TESTBackupFilename + ''' ' + 'WITH COPY_ONLY, NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME ' + '= N''' + @TESTDatabase + '-Full Database Backup'', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10' IF @Compress = 1 AND @CompressionAllowed > -1 SET @SQL = @SQL + ', COMPRESSION' EXEC (@SQL) END -- Restore to the TEST database SET @SQL = '' + 'PRINT ''Restoring to Destination database (' + @TESTDatabase + ')''; ' + 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @TESTDatabase + '] FROM DISK ' + '= N''' + @BackupFilename + ''' ' + 'WITH FILE = 1, ' + 'MOVE N''' + @LogicalFilenameDB + ''' TO ' + 'N''' + @DatabaseFolder + 'GPS' + @TESTDatabase + 'Dat.mdf'', ' + 'MOVE N''' + @LogicalFilenameLog + ''' TO ' + 'N''' + @LogFolder + 'GPS' + @TESTDatabase + 'Log.ldf'', ' + 'NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10' EXEC (@SQL) SET @SQL = '' + 'PRINT ''Setting Recovery Model to Simple''; ' + 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @TESTDatabase + '] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE WITH NO_WAIT' EXEC (@SQL) SET @SQL = '' + 'PRINT ''Shrinking Log File'' ' + 'USE [' + @TESTDatabase + '] ' + 'DBCC SHRINKFILE (N''' + @LogicalFilenameLog + ''' , 0, TRUNCATEONLY)' EXEC (@SQL) IF @SetPrintToScreen = 1 BEGIN SET @SQL = '' + 'PRINT ''Setting output to print to screen instead of printer'' ' + 'USE [' + @TESTDatabase + '] ' + 'UPDATE SY02200 SET PRTOSCNT = 1, PRTOPRNT = 0' EXEC (@SQL) END -- Run the CreateTestCompany script from MS SET @SQL = '' + 'PRINT ''Running CreateTestCompany script on ' + @TESTDatabase + '''; ' + 'USE [' + @TESTDatabase + '] ' + 'if not exists(select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name = ''##updatedTables'') ' + ' create table [##updatedTables] ([tableName] char(100)) ' + 'truncate table ##updatedTables ' + 'declare @cStatement varchar(255) ' + 'declare G_cursor CURSOR for ' + 'select ' + 'case ' + 'when UPPER(a.COLUMN_NAME) in (''COMPANYID'',''CMPANYID'') ' + ' then ''update ''+a.TABLE_NAME+'' set ''+a.COLUMN_NAME+'' = ''+ cast(b.CMPANYID as char(3)) ' + 'else ' + '''update ''+a.TABLE_NAME+'' set ''+a.COLUMN_NAME+'' = ''''''+ db_name()+'''''''' ' + 'end ' + 'from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS a, DYNAMICS.dbo.SY01500 b, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES c ' + 'where UPPER(a.COLUMN_NAME) in (''COMPANYID'',''CMPANYID'',''INTERID'',''DB_NAME'',''DBNAME'', ''COMPANYCODE_I'') ' + 'and b.INTERID = db_name() and a.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME and c.TABLE_CATALOG = db_name() and c.TABLE_TYPE = ''BASE TABLE''; ' + 'set nocount on; ' + 'OPEN G_cursor; ' + 'FETCH NEXT FROM G_cursor INTO @cStatement ' + 'WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) ' + 'begin ' + 'insert ##updatedTables select ' + 'substring(@cStatement,8,patindex(''%set%'',@cStatement)-9) ' + 'Exec (@cStatement) ' + 'FETCH NEXT FROM G_cursor INTO @cStatement ' + 'end ' + 'DEALLOCATE G_cursor ' + 'select [tableName] as ''Tables that were Updated'' from ##updatedTables ' EXEC (@SQL) PRINT 'Don''t forget to run GP SQL Maintenance on the ' + @TESTDatabase + ' database.' END
Version 4 changes:
- Specify the restore folder for the data file (.mdf)
- Specify the restore folder for the log file (.ldf)
- Backup compression (optional; on by default)
- Uses the "Copy Only" switch - so it does not mark the database as backed up - useful when using certain other backup software as the primary backup
- Messages window shows the auto-generated backup filename of the LIVE database for use in the optional restore feature below
- Restores a backup you already created (optional)
- Changes the posting output of the TEST company in GP to Screen instead of Printer (optional)
- Changes the Recovery Model to Simple and shrinks the log file of the TEST database
- Backs up the TEST database (optional)
- Backs up the LIVE database and restore to the TEST database
- Runs CreateTestCompany script from PartnerSource against the TEST database
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